Solid Grosgrain Convenient Pack Clearance- Almost 40% off
Solid Grosgrain Convenient Pack consist of a total of 200yds of assorted colors and assorted sizes of solid grosgrains. Each pack will consist of 12 rolls of 3/8", 8 rolls of 5/8", 12 rolls of 7/8" and 8 rolls of 1.5" matching color solid grosgrains. NO LIMIT. If you order more than 4 bags, you may receive duplicates colors. All Solid Grosgrain Convenient Pack is non changeable nor refundable.
Usual price: S$91.60
Price: S$58.00
Special 1/8" Solid Grosgrain Convenient Pack
Wana try wrapping snap clips, ribbon sculptures, and tying nice bows? 1/8" grosgrains will become your best friend. Don't know what to do with 5 yard rolls? Special limited 1/8" Solid Grosgrain Convient Pack consist of 2 yds each of 25 assorted colors, a total of 50 yards. Limited to 1 pack per customer.
Special purchase price: S$12.00
Metallic Ribbon Overstock - Clearance price at 50% off
Special 1/8" Solid Grosgrain Convenient Pack
Wana try wrapping snap clips, ribbon sculptures, and tying nice bows? 1/8" grosgrains will become your best friend. Don't know what to do with 5 yard rolls? Special limited 1/8" Solid Grosgrain Convient Pack consist of 2 yds each of 25 assorted colors, a total of 50 yards. Limited to 1 pack per customer.
Special purchase price: S$12.00
Metallic Ribbon Overstock - Clearance price at 50% off
Price: SGD 6 per 20yd spool